Hi! I'm Miss Darla the WeatherPup and this is my web page. |
Why am I the WeatherPup? Well, whenever I eat rye bread, doughnuts, cookies, or any kind of pastry, it's going to snow (or rain, depending on the temperature).I also have quite a great singing range: from high C to basso profundo, & I sing anything from opera to industrial to light pop to rock & roll to metal to ballads, plus the occasional howl..........I bark a lot. |
Vital StatisticsFavorite Foods: McDonald's, also Rolo candy, ice cream, milkshakes, whipped cream.Favorite Music: Heavy Metal Favorite Song: Jump Around Sports: I will also play football with you. Once I get the football watch out 'cause I'm tough to catch. If by some chance you get the ball, I'll hit you low and inside. |
This is a quote from my companion human. "As you can see, Miss Darla is quite the Renaissance dog. " |
You can e-mail me at [email protected]
Watch for links to other Pup pages (and I might even include "Honorary"
Pups, too.)